春天的诗句祝福语大全个性签名如何表白英语句子 情书幸福离别


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时间: 2015-10-14
关于方位的英语作文一:方位(230字) My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant. Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket. 关于方位的英语作文二:方位(195字) This is a clean and beautiful street. There is a park on the left. Next to the park is a library. There is a bank opposite the park. A post office is on the right of the bank. On the right of street is a supermarket. There is a hotel opposite it. 关于方位的英语作文三:房间的布置方位(300字) There are 3 doors in this room. 2 are on the right and the other 1 is on the left hand side. In between 2 doors, there are 3 windows. Inside the room, we can see a sofa, which is right behind the table in the middle. On the sides of the sofa, 2 chairs are facing each other, the chair on the left has 2 lights beside it. Last, right in front of the table, there's a green plant.
